胎牛血清,合格,澳大利亚$n货号: 10099141C$n单位规格:500ml
1921巨噬细胞的培养基 MaM 500ml of basal medium 25ml of fetal bovine serum (FBS,Cat.0025) 5ml of macrophage growth supplement (MaGS,Cat.1972) 5ml of penicillin/streptomycin solution (P/S,Cat.0503)
1531“神经前体细胞分化培养基 NPCDM Neural Precursor Cell Differentiation Medium 500ml of basal medium, 5ml of fetal bovine serum (FBS,Cat.No.0005), 5ml of neural precursor cell growth supplement (NPCDS,Cat.No.
1511神经前体细胞培养基-无血清 NPCM Neural Precursor Cell Medium 500ml of basal medium, 5ml of neural precursor cell growth supplement (NPCGS,Cat.1552) 5ml of Antibiotic solution (P/S,Cat.No.0503)
1401脑膜细胞培养基MenCM Meningeal Cell Medium 500ml of basal medium, 10ml of fetal bovine serum (FBS,Cat.0010, 5ml of meningeal cell growth supplement (MCGS Cat.1452 5ml of Antibiotic solution (P/S Cat0503
1231周边细胞培养基-小鼠PM-m Pericyte Medium-mouse 500ml of basal medium, 10ml of fetal bovine serum (FBS,Cat.No.0010), 5ml of pericyte growth supplement-mouse (PGS,Cat.1282), 5ml of penicillin/streptomyc